"There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish" - Michelle Obama

Create a MEANINGFUL and FULFILLING business

Build a legacy for your family and your community


You might be startup or own a well established business, have zero or plenty of qualifications... You might have attended dozens of business workshops targeted at women... BUT...

Do you know how to create or run a business in a way that GIVES you TIME to look after yourself and after those you love?

Do you know how to stop worrying about competition, whilst handling all sorts of pressures, without loosing sleep at night?

Do you sometimes feel isolated, struggling to make important decisions on your own?

Watch Intro Video

What if you could GROW your BUSINESS from your HEART?

The COURSE is about so MUCH MORE than business!

What makes this COURSE truly UNIQUE?


    Do you have enough time to keep up with new trends and to take advantage of incredible business opportunities? Get access to ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW in one place, transform your business, create AMAZING EXPERIENCES and become a MARKET LEADER who doesn't worry about competition.


    Do you get tired trying to move your business forward? Do the people around you understand and support you to plan the future and overcome daily challenges? It is very hard to do business alone. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help. Join a CARING SUPPORT NETWORK that 's there for you, all the way.


    How deeply do you trust your intuition and yourself? How often do you put your needs first without feeling guilty? Taking action can be scary, when the lives of our families or staff are at stake. Learn how to OVERCOME YOUR FEARS and WORRIES and show up as the woman you were born to be.


Guest Relations Executive @ Plan Pacific Hotel | Singapore

I’ve done lots of Tourism business courses, but this one is transforming me into a different person, leaving me each week with lots of thoughts for my life and business. Learning such a different way of thinking gives me more ideas for my business. The best thing about this course is that it is especially designed for women who want to create and innovate with their whole heart.


Founder & Manager @ Take-a-Trip Tours | Myanmar

I enrolled because Carole has a lot of knowledge to help me reach my business goal. One month in, I realise that Carole is not only teaching us about business and tourism, but she is also training our minds to achieve our life goals. She gives honest and supportive advice, sharing past mistakes. I believe my journey with Carole will be incredible.  

Bonjour, I am CAROLE! I am on a MISSION to:

DUT | BA (Distinction) | MSc (Distinction) | PGCE | International Market Expert | Teacher | Speaker| Mentor | Business, Life & Relationship Coach

1. Transform you into a super confident and super knowledgeable MARKET LEADER.

2. Show you how  to do business in a totally UNIQUE, FEMININE and CARING way.

3. SUPPORT and empower you so you can empower your COMMUNITY (click here for more information). 

It is our RESPONSIBILITY - as women - to celebrate the fabulous in ourselves and in others, to build a different and fabulous future for all those we love and care for.

And to take responsibility, we must take ACTION to educate ourselves, so that we can GROW as women and as entrepreneurs.

This programme is for YOU, if:

How do I know if this programme is for me?

- you want to create and sell meaningful and purposeful experiences;

- you have no, little or a lot of experience in business and|or tourism.


1. Do you want to do business in a different way, passionately and from your heart?

2. Do you believe that self-growth is key to improving your life? 

3. Are you committed to maximising positive impacts in your community?

4. Do you believe in collaboration over competition?

5. Are you ready to work hard for the next 8 months to transform your business, your clients and your community?

What will I learn on the Programme?

Content overview

  • PASSION & FULFILLMENT: How to create | manage a meaningful tourism business from your heart to generate maximum impact in communities.

  • CREATIVE AUTHORITY: How to innovate and design transformational experiences taking advantage of all the latest trends.

  • FREEDOM & WISDOM: How to get over your challenges and self-doubts to grow your business, knowing that you can trust your own intuition.

  • COMPASSIONATE LEADERSHIP: How to attract the right clients willing to pay the right price | How to hire and manage talents | How to communicate, negotiate and sell ethically.

  • CONTROL & MASTERY: How to set up strategic and operational systems (e.g. pricing, distributing, social media) | How to operate within constrained budgets (e.g. how to design great websites and landing pages on the cheap).


Marketing & Innovation Director @ Condor Travel | Peru

I recommend this course to all women wanting to work in Tourism. I have been working in Tourism for more than 20 years and know a lot BUT this course is both challenging and empowering. It gives vibrant, practical business information AND invites you to find your real purpose in life. It connects your heart to your work.

How does is all work?

  • Each Monday evening, your new PowerPoint lesson is uploaded on the course platform. You are totally free to watch it at your own convenience.

  • You have a week to do all your activities and watch videos from experts (compulsary), read your handouts (optional), share some of your findings and ask questions in our 'Fabulous Tribe' private group on Facebook.

  • Each Friday at 13:00 (UK time) we get together for one hour on ZOOM: you ask me questions, I share additional knowledge to help you implement better and faster, I provide additional tips to support you on your journey.


Architect & Start-up Entrepreneur @ Ecolocis | Chile

The course is a very productive and insightful experience for me. I know very little about tourism and wanted to learn more about responsible tourism to start a business with a purpose. Carole is very easy to talk to provides constant support. She gives great input in our Fabulous Tribe Facebook page. She is also great fun.

How flexible is my membership?

We're connected for life

  • You get access for life to all the learning material: there is no expiry date. It's not a problem if life gets in the way... I run several groups each year and you can re-join whenever you want.

  • You have free access to updates and course improvements. You can revisit all the lessons as much and as often as you want.

  • You continue to have access to our Private Members' Club to network, do business and keep up-to-date. You can continue to attend our FabFriday Q&A and mentoring calls at a vastly discounted rate.


Expert in Development & Sustainable Tourism | Peru

I love and recommend The Fabulous Transformantional Programme for many reasons. The course is very flexible for women who are moms of little babies like me. Yoi can do the lessons in your own time. The best is that you have access for life to the course and to the hilarious #FabFriday Zoom meetings with Carole and the girls. The course is designed to create a very powerful community of business women. I learn a lot from Carole and love how she touches people because she simply cares.


Start-up Entrepreneur @ Zamrud Travel | Indonesia

I honestly never took an online course before, and I am finding it hard because it requires real commitment to invest on bettering myself. Carole guides me in different ways: not like in a classroom but more about being present and aware of my own needs and skills, to fully support myself in the future. I've learned about the tourism industry, how is it in reality, and how it can create better social impacts. I've learned how to position myself and how to take action based on my vision. For me, the course is about investing in a better future, and I highly recommend Carole to lead you to start manifesting your legacy and a good life with a purpose.

What the Programme includes

Learn, Connect, Receive

  • OVER 20 LESSONS: pre-recorded PowerPoint lessons (between 30 to 60 minutes each), packed with over 50 activities + 50 handouts (including online articles) for further reading if you want to dig deeper into a specific topic.

  • OVER 50 VIDEOS: by international experts across all areas of life and business - from inspirational household names such as Oprah Winfrey or Brene Brown, to young and incredibly dynamic business women such as Marie Forleo (from Marie TV) or Sunny Lenarduzzi (the Queen of how to use YouTube for business) . There are men too, including Neil Patel (Expert in Online Marketing) or David Bach (athor of Smart women finish rich)... and much more! All especially selected for maximum impact, and edited to save you masses of time.

  • 32 LIVE MENTORING & COACHING SESSIONS: For 1 hr, I answer all your questions, we review your activities, we discuss your challenges, I share my coaching tools to help you get over your limitations... this is when you take over and tell me what you need but I promise that I'll make you think and feel.

  • 5 QUIZZES & 5 FILMED ANSWERS: each module finishes with a quiz to further check that you have learned and understood all the lessons. I go through the answers thoroughly, in a long video. Of course, you can always post questions in our Private Members' Club on Facebook.

  • 5 FRANK & FABULOUS TALKS WITH CAROLE: at the end of each module, I share with you all the mistakes and lessons I have learned about life and business... from relationship break-ups to how I realised I was not running the right business or my confidence issues with social media (especially Instagram).


Start-up Entrepreneur & Activist - Muxima Planet of Emotions | Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Sao Tome & Portugal

I started this transformational tourism programme about 2 months ago and I am just loving it! The care and attention Carole gives to each one of her students is precious, just as it is the fact that the programme was developed specifically for women entrepreneurs in responsible tourism. The self-development side of the programme is great too and it makes you feel positive, cheerful and full of energy! Carole is such a character and the lessons really are fun! I'm always looking forward to the next one! I highly recommend this programme to any woman wanting to develop her responsible tourism business and herself: believe me, you won't regret it!

Every week, every day, always

Post . Ask . Receive .

  • Personalised Feedback & Activities

    Each week, you can post your answers to key activities in our Fabulous Tribe private FB page. That enables me to give you constructive feedback to make sure you think and develop further. Sometimes, I also offer free one-on-one coaching to reward your efforts and answers.

  • Instant Help, Support & Privacy

    Our FB and whatsapp totally private groups are a fabulous way to get immediate help from me (as long as I am not sleeping), and from all the #fabwomenintourism on the course. There is always someone awake to send you some love, especially when you feel a bit low.

  • Bonus learning & Exclusivity

    You have exclusive access to all the videos and notes I take when I attend international conferences (e.g. ITB, WTM, Arival). This is where I gather all the latest knowledge to save you time and money. I also share exclusive interviews of inspirational women in tourism.


For a taste of what happens.... listen to these short audio recordings

Every week for one hour

Share. Ask. Learn

  • Questions & Answers

    It is YOUR time to ask questions and MY time to answer. I also give feedback on the activities you want me to explore further. It does not matter where you are at in the course, you are free to join and ask anything, at any time. My job is to serve you. YOU RUN THE SHOW!

  • Coaching & Mentoring

    I help you overcome your fears and limiting beliefs, we create powerful structures and choices to action your vision, we work on breathing techniques for more energy, build better relationships, strenghten our confirdence...You feel RE-ENERGISED & FOCUSED.

  • Sharing & Networking

    I strongly believe that we can all learn from each others' experiences (good and bad). You're strongly encouraged to share good practice. We go deep, open up, help each other, and build fabulous friendships that lead to FABULOUS BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS.


Founder & Manager @ Mora Travel | Holland & Madagascar

The 1-hour #FabFriday live sessions are an incredible gift on an online course! They are absolutely worth it because you do not only discuss business matters but also how aspects of your values and personality limit or drive you to achieve success.  Carole takes an approach that’s complete and diverse. After these sessions, I feel I can grow further with confidence, as a human being and as an entrepreneur.

Carole Favre

Let me teach and support YOU

[email protected]

Let's start with the boring (yet necessary) professional credentials: I am an experienced International Expert and Lecturer in Responsible Tourism and Market Growth, a Speaker, a Social Entrepreneur, as well as a Mentor and Intuitive Life & Business Coach. I have two undergraduate degrees and an MSc with Distinction, and I am a UK qualified post-16 Lecturer. I have worked for international organisations (e.g. UNWTO, ILO) and government agencies (in Lesotho, Brazil, Haiti, Timor Leste etc.). I have travelled the world, lived and worked in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. I am the Founder of The Fabulous Tourism Academy, which offers the Fabulous Transformational Programme, and will offer other courses in the future. 

This might sound convincing but you might still be asking yourself: "Who is this woman? How does she think she can help me? She does not even know my country!". I absolutely understand this, and you are well within your right to doubt me. So this is who I am: 

I am a woman passionate about fairness. I am a woman who grew up in a very traditional family, where she was told that women were not bright, could not be ambitious and should not attract attention to themselves (obviously my parents did not do a good job). I am a woman who is widely and wildly travelled. I've learned that the problems you face are exactly the same problems faced by another woman elsewhere. And if they are not, I also know that we can find solutions to these problems together. 

I believe that structures, perseverance and total focus are the key to making dreams happen. For me, life is about taking responsibility for oneself to live your purpose. That's how I put meaning in my life. 

I show up as a very French and stylish, full of zest and adventurous, and do not intend to die before I reach 120. I'd love to go to space at 90, and be remembered as "Sexy Space Granny"! 

Now, if you can feel my passion, and are ready to trust my expertise and wisdom, book a 20 minute FREE call with me here. Let's find our if your business aligns to your vision and if you are creating maximum impact in your destination. 

And if you are not ready for the Fabulous Transformational Programme, that's absolutely fine... but maybe you know another woman who is?


I have and still run workshops for:

  • United Nations
  • International Labour Organisation
  • Lesotho DMO
  • Ministry of Tourism - Timor Leste
  • Inter-American Development Bank

Module 1: BE 100% CLEAR

"People don't buy 'what' you do, they buy 'why' you do it" (Simon Sinek)

Start-ups: you'll love this module because it's all about unleashing your heart, defining your vision and working responsibly.

Established businesses: you'll love this module because you'll will reconnect to your heart to realign your business with the essence of your true self -  the very reason you started your business in the first place.

In this module, we identify your VISION. You learn how to differentiate between your true and false vision in order to create a business that is in true alignment to your heart. 

What's in your heart is what differentiates you from everyone else. It will tell you what experiences you should develop and how to communicate with your clients.

We look at your values and define the founding principles of RESPONSIBLE TOURISM, with examples of bad practices to raise your awareness.

This module is about setting strong inner foundations to avoid wasting precious time in the future. 

"You cannot resist your inherent nature; to resist it will only result in hurting yourself.... and your business" (Christian Whitecloud)

Module 2: BE 100% HONEST

Honesty is the soul of business (Dutch proverb)

Start-ups: by the end of this module you'll have a full personality profile to make sure you're going in the right business with the right role.

Established businesses: by the end of this module you'll be able to understand how to use gratitude in service to reshaping yourself and your business. 

In this module, you will assess the strengths, weaknesses and qualities of YOU (you'll carry a couple of fun tests), of your business and experience(s) - real or concept.

We have to know what changes you need to make to get ready for business. We'll also look at getting rid of some myths to do with what you really need to start a business.

I'll teach you how to practice GRATITUDE effectively to help you face future challenges.

"Self-honesty is being able to look at things as they are and then being compelled to make changes" (F. Lenz)

Module 3 | BE 100% AWARE

We need to be true to who we are, and remember what's really important to us (Steve Jobs)

Start-ups: this is a great module because you'll become totally familiar with the intricacies of the experience industry and aware of the real reasons why people travel. 

Established businesses: this is a great module because you'll regain focus of what really matters and you'll have a new understanding of travel motivations to bring you market advantage.

In this module, you will learn pretty much everything you need to know (there is always more) about the TOURISM EXPERIENCE INDUSTRY.

You'll start by looking at the way tourists are classified to understand Demand. We'll discuss motivations, and look beyond the obvious, when you learn how few people are motivated by what they love... and what to do with that knowledge.  

Then, you'll dig into Supply, to understand how the experience industry works and who are your best potential partners. It's important to understand how different operators work to make informed decisions. Here, you'll also start to learn how to design fabulous and transformational experiences.

Then, it's all about the latest tourism trends to decide how you can grab new business opportunities.

We finish with a look at assessing competition, and will also discover the dangers of comparing yourself to others. 

This module is about gaining awareness to BE IN CONTROL of the information you find, rather than letting your findings control you. You'll also learn to YOUR FEARS control your decision-making. 

"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do, instead of craving power over the things you have no control of" (Steve Maraboli)


A vision without a strategy remains an illusion (Lee Bolman)

Start-ups: you'll love this module because that's when your idea transform into reality.

Established businesses: you'll love this module because it gives you an opportunity to assess your current reality and make changes to grow.

The word 'strategy' might be scary, especially for a small business... it's actually incredibly simple, and is about:

- the list of choices you make to get your experience(s) to market;

- the systems you put in place to make that happen.

This is the longest, most challenging and rewarding module on the Programme because you will be busy implementing and watching things change in your life and business. 

We create your Marketing, Distribution and Revenue strategies. 

MARKETING: that's what will take us the longest. You learn how to superniche, to create an MVE, how to make social media work for you (it's important ti understand that each platform has a different purpose and why). You also learn how to design a fabulously experiential website | landing page. We spend time identifying how and what you need to communicate (to attract the right clients ready to pay the right price) to build trust. Off course, you learn how to add real value to your clients' lives by designing truly transformational experiences.  

DISTRIBUTION: you'll study the different ways you can distribute your experiences (for a fee or for free; online and offline), as well as how distribution platforms work because they affect business critically (either way).  

REVENUES: you start by exploring the different levels of commissions applied all along the distribution chain. You then learn how to apply The Blue Ocean Strategy, to price your experience(s) in a way that optimises revenues. I'll help you calculate your BEP (Break-even-Point) and give you an Excel CostSheet to prepare for negotiation with potential distributors. We'll also talk pricing communication and transparency, as well as cash-flow and investment.

All along, I'll make sure that you do not loose sight or compromise on your vision for the sake of taking the 'easy' rather than your 'true' way. I spend time working on the major limitations that women suffer from around money, ethics and worthiness, as well as fears in general. 

"Strategy is about making choices... it's about deliberately choosing to be different" (M. Porter)


Operations keep the lights on.... whilst strategy provides the light at the end of the tunnel (Joy Gumz)

Start-ups: by the end of this module, you'll be ready to take on the main operations of your business, so that you can delegate effectively once you start growing.

Established businesses: by the end of this module, you'll approach every operational area with a different mindset and tools to grow in alignment with your new vision, and develop a different culture in your business. 

This is all 'down to business' as we work on the 'fuel' that makes things happen behind the scenes.

You learn about H&S, Human Resources, guiding, Customer Service and Sales & Negotiation. 

MEETING INTERNATIONAL H&S STANDARDS: this is incredibly important as it will make or break your ability to sell and grow. You'll learn how to identify, assess and manage risks to meet minimum standards. I'll give you exclusive access to the webinar's recording of one of the top World Experts in Crisis Communication for Tour Operators. 

BUILDING STRONG TEAMS: you'll discover a brand new way of leading, inspired by the work of the fabulous Brene Brown (4th most watched TED of all times), and grounded into family and community values. We'll talk recruitment, management, nourishment and vulnerability. I will take you through various exercises to learn how to communicate & relate authentically and crucially, to feel the difference between dysfunctional & functional relationships, at home and at work.

DELIVERING FABULOUS SERVICE: we'll quickly cover the basics but we'll concentrate on resolving complaints sensitively to manage your online and offline reputation.

TRANSFORMATIONAL GUIDING: you'll practice the art of story-telling to change lives, in a fabulously fun and engaging way. You'll discover how to share events and moments that matter to you and your community, so that tourists feel inspired to take a piece of you back home, with them. 

ETHICAL SALES & NEGOTIATIONS: selling is not about manipulating, it is about being of service. You'll learn how to sell authentically, in a fabulous way, following a 5-step technique that totally gets rid of all the bits we hate about selling and gets travellers because they trust you. We'll also identify what stops you from closing enough sales to bring you financial freedom. We'll discuss networking and how to be an authentic flirt. You'll be equipped to negotiate in service to yourself and your community, in alignment with your values.

"Whatever good things we build, they end up building us" (Jim Rohn)


Community StoryTeller & Startup Entrepreneur | UK & Brazil

At the start, I learned to develop a completely unique business concept, which feels totally true to me because it reflects all my values and what I love to do. Now, the course is helping me create a structure to build my business and career in tourism. Carole is a great tutor and mentor, very experienced and inspiring. She delivers a course packed with insightful reflections, deep knowledge and excellent quality material – all that in a light and enjoyable way. She responds to my specific needs at all times, and gives me not only knowledge, but also the emotional support I require at the different stages of my entrepreneurial journey. My confidence as a new-born woman entrepreneur is getting stronger and stronger. I highly recommend the course to old, new and future business owners in tourism.

1. You can choose to complete The Transformational Programme in less or more than 8 months. You're best placed to decide.

2. The Programme can be accessed from your PC, laptop or mobile phone, at any time. You can be on the road and still learn. 

3. You can revisit all your lessons whenever, and as many times as you want. The Programme traces your progress so you always know where you are. 

  • 30 days trial

    You have 30 days to feel and experience how The Fabulous Transformational Programme is changing you and your business. If it's not working for you, you'll get your money back.

  • My only request...

    The only thing you'll have to do is provide evidence that you've done all your activities to the standard expected. I think it's only fair to ask you to try first before you cancel.

  • Your refund

    I'll refund the money as quickly as possible. Please be aware that the process can take a bit of time depending on where you live and how you paid. You can also defer your start date.


Join the Programme today and receive


    This 75 page manual is packed with PRACTICAL advice and tips to do business with British Tour Operators - although a lot of what you will learn also applies to operators in Europe and North America. I wrote the manual after interviewing many key decision-makers in the industry. The Travel Foundation liked it so much that it paid to have it translated into Portuguese and French.

  • My fullproof FABULOUS MORNING RITUALS worksheet

    All you need is 15 minutes before you start work. This worksheet will get you into a wining mindset for a super effective day, regardless of the challenges you might face. I have compiled in ONE sheet, the best techniques given by world-leading entrepreneurs and coaches... and it works!

  • Mighty TUTORIAL on HOW TO FIND MORE TIME in your life

    If you think you can't make time.... think again. In this video, I'll share with you a surprise tip to regain CONTROL of your time.... and of your life, so you can feel more free. It's simple BUT like anything of value in life, it's not easy... which is why getting support is so important.

"The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life, is the moment you can change anything" - Al Helrod 


You have a choice of 2 options:


Vision Holder @ The Morin Hotel | Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia

Carole is one of the rare people in my life who dares to ask me tough but much needed questions: the questions that I cannot see myself and the ones that I do not venture into. But of course, those are the most relevant questions that I need to explore to grow, not only as a woman but as a businesswoman too. I strongly recommend this course to any woman who wants to run a business that is true to herself.


PR Aficionado @ Urban Espresso | South Africa

I met Carole (fortuitously) at WTM London in 2018 and when she told me about her course, I knew I had to sign up (I was at the stage in my life and my business journey where I wanted to learn more and expand my view of the travel space at a global level). Over the past few months of the course, I have learnt so much and have had such valuable insight shared with me – not just for things pertaining to my career and business, but for my personal development as well! Having an established business, I love the fact that I can work through the course at my own pace, with Carole and a fabulous tribe of fellow business women - a quick whatsapp, email or Zoom chat away.


Director & Rural Community and Ecotourism Project Coordinator @ All Ways Travel Titicaca | Peru

I would recommend this class without hesitation to any woman who wants to make her creative business ideas become a reality. Carole starts by helping us finding our essence and she leads us into a journey to discover our genius, to use the power of gratitude, and to create a vivid vision that will ultimately awake our passion to learn more about this fascinating and ever evolving tourism industry.